Monday, October 28, 2013

Howl A Ween? Costumes?

And my human is packing the car . That means that we're going to a new place, with new dogs, and more fun!
But this REO, Loves her Colorado Auntie, that lives in a tree house, with her dogs. I hope that I can get to come back here some day. I will miss Bear, Charlie,Finley and Sam. Yes, even Sam.
And what is the meaning of this Howl a ween, word? I don't know about this. The human keeps draping this cloth over my back and laughing, and telling me how cute that I am. Does she not know, that I am cute everyday?  I don't need any accessories.
The human says that maybe tomorrow we will leave for Maryland. I think that 's where my new friends Sean and Clancy live. I hope so. They are very nice dogs.
 The town that they live in has a new dog park too.  Oxford , MD Play Ball Dog Park  I might get to go there, if it's safe for my wonky leg.  My auntie in Oxford said that there were even TWO Newfoundlands, that's my kind of dog, there. I hope that we can meet them too.  There is talk of the river, also. I don't know about that.  I'll try anything if my human goes with me. I still get nervous when she gets out of sight.
It has been three years almost to the day, that I had to get in my crate at the Denver Airport.( They wouldn't even let me have a stuffie for the trip)  I flew to Houston, and then on to Boston, where my new human picked me up. Everything was new. A lot of FB friends watched for news and updates on my flight. Continental Airlines took very good care of me. here's a picture of me, and my human that first night.  We were both very tired.

 This time, I get to travel from Colorado to MD in our car. The human says that we'll celebrate my "gotcha day" along the way. I think that might mean french fries. Maybe, a hamburger also. I"ll let you know if there's presents, but I think just treats.
So I need to go check on all my favorite stuffies. I don't want to leave any here. Auntie gave me a new one too.Must not forget that one. I hope that I get to wear my party collar too.
So much to do, for this one Newfoundland.  Have  a  great day, everyone. And lets see some of your Howl a ween photos.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

the Human can really TYPE, fast!

Hi Everyone.
It's been a long time since I've heard the tapping tapping on that black thing that my human stares at, swears at, and takes everywhere that we go. That hard white thing on her right hand, isn't there any more, and we're all getting decent two handed scratches. FINALLY.
 She's muttering again about oogs, and such, so I'm being really good and snoozing close by. I have some tales to tell, not tails. I only have one of those. 
We have been here in Colorado with my buds since the birthday party.
 Remember the last post? I think that there were pics of all of them. 
My auntie Diane and her Family had to go to visit their family so we stayed here with all of my friends. Well, two days after they left, Bear Bear, had to go to hospital. Things got a bit serious. The human was very concerned and quiet.. She had to go in the car every day, and when she got back she sat in the middle of the floor, so we could all gather round for a scent story from the place where  Bear was.. She told us of all the dogs there, and how bear was feeling.  We couldn't understand why Bear wasn't home, but we knew he was somewhere. One day, a crate appeared in the family room. but  none of us got to lie in it. The door was shut. There was a nice blanket in there, and we all wanted to go and have a lie down, inside. We weren't allowed.  In as many days as I have legs, BEAR CAME HOME . He didn't get to come up the stairs. He had to come through the gate. That was really odd. We all had to wait in the hall. Bear was very tired and lay in his crate and fell fast asleep while we all sniffed about. I, lay close by so I could see him.. Sam lay on a chair, Charlie, lay next to the crate, and Finley was across the room. We all wanted him to play, but he was so tired. 
In a few days, some of his family came home and he was so excited to see them. The next day, he barked. and the following day, Bear slept for a very long time, on his back.
The human started to breath more normally. She had been sitting in that chair, all day, everyday. We had to go into the front hall, every time that Bear had to go "out".  And finally Bear could come out of his crate .

 Thankfully his appetite is good, and aside from having lost a lot of weight, he is able to be with all of us now. All of his people are home. We were all wags and wiggles that day. We missed her.
So that's why the human has not been typing too much. She was busy. There were a lot of those little bottles with that awful tasting, and smelly things in them. Bear doesn't care.. he eats anything these days. And that's why he had to go to hospital. He had two obstructions. I don't know what that means, but everyone is still a bit unnerved about his recovery. 
On another note:  I am seeing maps and signs of gathering.. You all know what this means!   Stay tuned, as the typing is fluid and fast, as it was in the spring..  Bye for now.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Friends and Birthdays

My Human said that we had to get to Colorado, for her birthday.  I myself  don't know what that is.. I have a GOTCHA day..maybe it's similar? Maybe I'll get a cake and some cards too?   My other auntie, from New Mexico and my cousin, Bella, came up for the weekend, after we arrived..  Here's a picture of her, She's a beautiful brown newf...
and thats my cousin and friend Finley, in the background... 
 All the humans had yummy smelling dinners, and all of us dogs only got treats, and our regular  dinners. 

  It was nice to see my NM Auntie again... She met me, when i was just someone's foster dog, in CO almost three years ago.  She came and sat with me, as I was very concerned about being left alone.  (I still am, even though i know my human Loves ME) I think that I remember her kindness. She is such a nice lady.  

Back to the BirthdayParty. not mine.. The Birthday lasted all week.. many cards,and gifties, and a CHEESECAKE , that I didn't get to sample.

 It was so fun to watch my human open all her cards,from all over the country.My crazy auntie Diane, contacted everyone to let them know the right address to send them too, and there were a huge pile to open.  

My human is starting to type more.. and she even got out those brush things, yesterday.. the ones that she uses to create those pictures of dogs..  but she used her other hand..and i didn't see any dogs on the wall.. I only saw this, last night...

hmmmm, I wonder about that. maybe some day soon I will see more of this........
or this?

I hope so, cause my human is the happiest,and I'm really settled; when she is being creative. 

and Oh, did I mention?  My Auntie, here, is very creative too.  She makes beautiful things, from strips of wool.. she makes the house all stinky, when she gives the wool a bath. and when it's dry, it's different colors.  Then she cuts it into strips and puts it through fabric. Hours and hours.  and when she's done there are wonderful creatures, and rugs, and pillows.  and all of my friends, and I have bits of wool on our fur. We look downright bespeckled, especially if we lie near her chair.
Have a look at her things. Maybe you need a present for someone? 


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I was a bit nervous last week when all things REO, were once again removed from the house.
 I watched the human putting them into the car.
 This usually means that  we're going somewhere to take care of new dog friends.
The next morning, I got to wear my traveling collars. I have TWO of those.  
One is a bright hunter type orange color; and it has big black writing on it.  
I only wear this one, when we go on long trips.  
The other collar was a gifty from my Montana auntie, Christiane. Its multicolored, and sparkly.  Every one smiles at me when I wear that collar. 
Even people that are just passing by us in their cars, smile.
 I try to look as cute as I can be, so they will smile more. It's a Newfie thing to do.
I had a hard time to even remember to say goodbye  to my friends, once the collars were on.
 I stood by the gate. and waited. I didn't want to get left behind. 
 I know my human loves me, but sometimes I remember the first part of my life, and get worried.  
I'll tell you about my airplane trip one day.
I had a hard time to remember how to get in my car safely; especially when my S.D. auntie insisted that the luxurious bed go along with me. I love this bed.  Once in the car,I was so comfortable.
And then, my human told me where we were going.  They were names that I remembered. 
Finley, My Newfie Girfriend   she's a Landseer, just like me.

Samson  with his beautiful blue eyes
BearBear , my human says that he's not feeling well so I will be very careful

and Charlie aka Chuck,,, the undog



my Colorado humans. Aunti, Jon, Emily and Allison.
in  other words... Doggie Heaven on earth.
It was such a hot day.. much hotter than was expected. My human got me a block of ice to lie next to, since my fan and the A/C was not working.  I had lots of shade all day. My human was in the sunshine the entire 13 hour trip.  We had lots of water and ice cubes to eat.
I knew the moment that we were within a mile of their house. I roo rooed and woofed my greetings.  Human and I were so tired, but we arrived safely.
I got to visit with all  my friends, and have dinner at their house . and then we slept  for  a long sleep.

Here I am, with my Colorado friends.
 My human has an owie on her finger again.
 There's a hard white thingy on it this time. But she's ouching less and typing more. 
 I'm sure that she'll  have lots to report on my behalf.
She wasn't able to draw, or paint or type much the past few weeks. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I know, that the human says, this is South Dakota. I don' t really know what those words mean. I do, however know, that this place, right here, where my food and water bowl is , is HOME.  My auntie here, is soooooooooo nice, and she gave me this really nice bed for my sleeping spot. ( now I have two). And there's plenty of cool places to rest, and a whole basket full of stuffies.And there are lots of treats.
 By the way, my human FOUND my Bee, in the car.  I was so worried about it. Jonesy would like to have a turn with it, but i'm not ready to let it go just yet. A few more days. I'm really , usually, great at sharing. BUT this IS, my favorite BEE that's been in the car forever.
 My new pal, Jonesy is really nice. 
There's a big grassy spot in the back, and some neighbor dogs to talk to.
And a garage, where the floor is always cool.
I LIKE IT, here in this place.
There's a new crate, in my aunties' room. but it's too small for any of us dogs. I wonder what this means.
I"m going with my human to take care of the animals at another house this weekend. There are two dogs , three cats and three horses. Are horses bigger than me? Pictures to follow.
Jonesy and I were outside at the grassy place, the other day. Jonesy wanted to play HOSE.
I don't understand that game.

Jonesy, chases it. Back and forth, and even jumps in the air to try to catch it. He gets really wet, and really tired.

I figured out that it's just water , but isn't that to drink? 

I think that even if i didn't have a wonky leg, that I wouldn't really want to chase water from a hose.

But then, I"m not a Border Collie. I"m REO, the Newfoundland.  I'd rather to swim.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Newfoundland Musings for a relatively QUIET, Monday.

Ahhh, today was a nice day..Everyone is HERE, with me.. my world is RIGHT.  I still had to stress lick my foot, cause mom shut a door so as not to disrupt anyone while she was drying some paint with a hair dryer.  HOW??? was I ??to know??? that it was nothing to be alarmed about??

 I am, as you may have guessed a bit sensitive?I DO, like it when everything and body is accounted for, settled and available to scratch my head.

 Although I must say, that when my human sets to painting for hours on end, I try to be the bestest and most quietest dog. Sometimes when I peek through my eyelids (checking for holes) I 'll see that there are new dogs hangin in our room. Today, a Husky arrived...and a new brown newfie head, and lemme see ,, hold on lemme go look...  OK role call... 3 cocker spaniels  , 4 newf puppies, 1 husky so far, but there's room for two more, and there's a newf and a cat. REALLY mom, a CAT?  and there's also a mat with some dog bones on it. That one looks yummy..  and then there's the other stuff  that she works with.  Not paint. Those long sticks.. they make a sort of scratchy noise if i listen really closely. My human is the quietest when she works on those.. she likes to listen to that box in the living room while she does those. 
I never bother her when she's working.. except maybe to let her know that Maggie is barking.
NO, she doesn't live here with us.. she lives on the other side of the fence. But she could be letting us know of important neighborhood news.  WOOF,   IT could be important! WOOFWOOFWOOF  Or there might be a some people passing by. ?  Are trying to figure out where I live?
I MUST, bark at the window.??RIGHT?? AH ROOOO ROOOOO ROOOO... Sometimes after I stop barking I can  hear the human muttering those special words, followed by my name, really loud, and well, you can imagine the rest...

Did I mention that I"m the bestest,most quietest, helpful Newfoundland..
Somedays, I"m even DEMURE!.

I was going to tell you all about Jonesy,going to school for his exam, but i need his human, Liz, to help me to tell it.  and I think that he brought something home in his bag.. it looks purple.. He said it was a ribbon, but I don't know what that means.. Maybe after dinner, Liz and Jonesy will help me tell their tale.  I was so lonely, and missed them so much.

I'm glad that the exams are over..

More ON.. (read quickly) is what my human is muttering about the previous post!

HEAD DOWN.. hope that she'll get more coffee, and well, maybe more on the subject of OG, later. I hope not.. I have a story to tell you about the this past weekend.. I was sooooooooooo lonely.. Jonesy had to go to school for an exam. THREE days in a row.
that's ME, on my way to Montana this winter.