Friday, July 19, 2013

what's in a name?

hi there everyone.. Today, I'm hangin with my distant cousin, Jonesy. (aka joe joe, peps, peppermint jo jos, goji bean, beaner.) I wish that my human could NOT choose so many nicknames. But i do,  understand that he is sort of VERY handsome, and quite smart. Did I tell you?? He's a Border Collie . He looks a lot like ME.. except he has some white markings on his head. I didn't get any of those.. hmmmm maybe it's border collie "thing".. Nah, cause my friend, in Colorado, Finley has white and black on her head. My auntie in Montana calls my black spots, FRECKLES.  I have so many nick names too.. My human calls me "girlfriend, or girly bits", and my aunties in SD, CO and MT call me, MissyREO, McReo and Freckles respectively . I will know lots of names as we continue this adventure.  For today, mom is shouting names at that "box" that she keeps staring out.. her fingers move very fast. I can hear the tapping from the hallway.. I"m safe out here. She's muttering about biz cards,  pictures, and marketing. wish me well. I'll go in and be really cute, and adorable and distract her shortly...

My Auntie, in Montana, has a lot of big WHITE dogs at her house. She brought me this Bell from her Germany. ??do you think that she thinks that i look like a "COW"??  . heavens!
 Jonesy Joe and I surveying the neighborhood
Me and Finley at her house.Finley has lots of nick names too. my human's favorite is "Finny da Newf".(sing:: winny da pooh"Yes, I almost ALWAYS have something to say about it, when the camera comes out. Isn't Finely the cutest? I hope she'll be my BF forever!

1 comment:

  1. We use nicknames here too, but none are as cute as yours.
    Since we could not agree on the smallest furball's name he ended up with both a first and last name and often gets a MIDDLE name too, not only when he is in trouble. (He is still too cute to get into too much trouble) He rarely gets into as much trouble as the Noofs, but they SHOULD know better. I call him Smudge Fraggle and he seems to answer to either or both.


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