Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I know, that the human says, this is South Dakota. I don' t really know what those words mean. I do, however know, that this place, right here, where my food and water bowl is , is HOME.  My auntie here, is soooooooooo nice, and she gave me this really nice bed for my sleeping spot. ( now I have two). And there's plenty of cool places to rest, and a whole basket full of stuffies.And there are lots of treats.
 By the way, my human FOUND my Bee, in the car.  I was so worried about it. Jonesy would like to have a turn with it, but i'm not ready to let it go just yet. A few more days. I'm really , usually, great at sharing. BUT this IS, my favorite BEE that's been in the car forever.
 My new pal, Jonesy is really nice. 
There's a big grassy spot in the back, and some neighbor dogs to talk to.
And a garage, where the floor is always cool.
I LIKE IT, here in this place.
There's a new crate, in my aunties' room. but it's too small for any of us dogs. I wonder what this means.
I"m going with my human to take care of the animals at another house this weekend. There are two dogs , three cats and three horses. Are horses bigger than me? Pictures to follow.
Jonesy and I were outside at the grassy place, the other day. Jonesy wanted to play HOSE.
I don't understand that game.

Jonesy, chases it. Back and forth, and even jumps in the air to try to catch it. He gets really wet, and really tired.

I figured out that it's just water , but isn't that to drink? 

I think that even if i didn't have a wonky leg, that I wouldn't really want to chase water from a hose.

But then, I"m not a Border Collie. I"m REO, the Newfoundland.  I'd rather to swim.


  1. Love to both of you. So glad to see Reo being a very happy dog with his Momma! <3 <3 <3


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