Monday, September 30, 2013

Friends and Birthdays

My Human said that we had to get to Colorado, for her birthday.  I myself  don't know what that is.. I have a GOTCHA day..maybe it's similar? Maybe I'll get a cake and some cards too?   My other auntie, from New Mexico and my cousin, Bella, came up for the weekend, after we arrived..  Here's a picture of her, She's a beautiful brown newf...
and thats my cousin and friend Finley, in the background... 
 All the humans had yummy smelling dinners, and all of us dogs only got treats, and our regular  dinners. 

  It was nice to see my NM Auntie again... She met me, when i was just someone's foster dog, in CO almost three years ago.  She came and sat with me, as I was very concerned about being left alone.  (I still am, even though i know my human Loves ME) I think that I remember her kindness. She is such a nice lady.  

Back to the BirthdayParty. not mine.. The Birthday lasted all week.. many cards,and gifties, and a CHEESECAKE , that I didn't get to sample.

 It was so fun to watch my human open all her cards,from all over the country.My crazy auntie Diane, contacted everyone to let them know the right address to send them too, and there were a huge pile to open.  

My human is starting to type more.. and she even got out those brush things, yesterday.. the ones that she uses to create those pictures of dogs..  but she used her other hand..and i didn't see any dogs on the wall.. I only saw this, last night...

hmmmm, I wonder about that. maybe some day soon I will see more of this........
or this?

I hope so, cause my human is the happiest,and I'm really settled; when she is being creative. 

and Oh, did I mention?  My Auntie, here, is very creative too.  She makes beautiful things, from strips of wool.. she makes the house all stinky, when she gives the wool a bath. and when it's dry, it's different colors.  Then she cuts it into strips and puts it through fabric. Hours and hours.  and when she's done there are wonderful creatures, and rugs, and pillows.  and all of my friends, and I have bits of wool on our fur. We look downright bespeckled, especially if we lie near her chair.
Have a look at her things. Maybe you need a present for someone? 


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had the best time!
    You know some really wonderful and talented people.


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