Wednesday, October 16, 2013

the Human can really TYPE, fast!

Hi Everyone.
It's been a long time since I've heard the tapping tapping on that black thing that my human stares at, swears at, and takes everywhere that we go. That hard white thing on her right hand, isn't there any more, and we're all getting decent two handed scratches. FINALLY.
 She's muttering again about oogs, and such, so I'm being really good and snoozing close by. I have some tales to tell, not tails. I only have one of those. 
We have been here in Colorado with my buds since the birthday party.
 Remember the last post? I think that there were pics of all of them. 
My auntie Diane and her Family had to go to visit their family so we stayed here with all of my friends. Well, two days after they left, Bear Bear, had to go to hospital. Things got a bit serious. The human was very concerned and quiet.. She had to go in the car every day, and when she got back she sat in the middle of the floor, so we could all gather round for a scent story from the place where  Bear was.. She told us of all the dogs there, and how bear was feeling.  We couldn't understand why Bear wasn't home, but we knew he was somewhere. One day, a crate appeared in the family room. but  none of us got to lie in it. The door was shut. There was a nice blanket in there, and we all wanted to go and have a lie down, inside. We weren't allowed.  In as many days as I have legs, BEAR CAME HOME . He didn't get to come up the stairs. He had to come through the gate. That was really odd. We all had to wait in the hall. Bear was very tired and lay in his crate and fell fast asleep while we all sniffed about. I, lay close by so I could see him.. Sam lay on a chair, Charlie, lay next to the crate, and Finley was across the room. We all wanted him to play, but he was so tired. 
In a few days, some of his family came home and he was so excited to see them. The next day, he barked. and the following day, Bear slept for a very long time, on his back.
The human started to breath more normally. She had been sitting in that chair, all day, everyday. We had to go into the front hall, every time that Bear had to go "out".  And finally Bear could come out of his crate .

 Thankfully his appetite is good, and aside from having lost a lot of weight, he is able to be with all of us now. All of his people are home. We were all wags and wiggles that day. We missed her.
So that's why the human has not been typing too much. She was busy. There were a lot of those little bottles with that awful tasting, and smelly things in them. Bear doesn't care.. he eats anything these days. And that's why he had to go to hospital. He had two obstructions. I don't know what that means, but everyone is still a bit unnerved about his recovery. 
On another note:  I am seeing maps and signs of gathering.. You all know what this means!   Stay tuned, as the typing is fluid and fast, as it was in the spring..  Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very scary story. I am so glad Bear made it home and his family came back soon after. I really like the picture of Bear sleeping on his back in the crate. He looks comfortable.
    Maps sounds like a new adventure is coming.


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